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July 2012
Dear Generitech Customers,

As the year comes to a close, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank
you, Generitech’s loyal supporters, for your continued commitment to
experiencing the difference with our powerful products and solutions.

I’ve learned a lot from your feedback this year, and from the countless
surveys and polls Generitech has conducted. I’ve learned that you’re
leaders in your industries. Your innovation is both groundbreaking and
wave-making. I’ve learned that streamlining your company’s
communication efforts is your #1 priority.

I hope that our tools and solutions have improved the way you do
business this year. I hope that our around-the-clock support team has
impressed you with their knowledge and friendliness. I hope that your
company’s messaging and support streams improved when you partnered
with Generitech. I hope that you’ve taken advantage of our Leadership
Summits, Tools Expos and free whitepapers. If not, I hope you’ll get
involved in the new year, and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Follow us on Twitter at [3]@generitech, and let us know how we’re

Thanks for a great year.


Gary Terry
President, Generitech Solutions

5 tips for networking & maintaining cultural identify in a social media age

It’s not secret that social media is here to stay. It’s also no secret
that the face of the American workforce is changing, (i.e. gender,
ethnicity, sexual orientation). So how does one maintain one’s cultural
identity in this fast-moving, often-impersonal space?
1. Join organizations
Professional organizations, such as the National Association of Asian
American Professions (NAAAP) or the National Black MBA Association
(NMBAA), are key not only to network for jobs & opportunities, but also
to develop “soft” and necessary skills such as leadership and
communication, as well as to develop friendships
2. Step outside comfort zone
Don’t just join groups of like-minded people. Reach out to groups that
look and think and act differently than year. Building coalitions and
collaboration will not only be professionally strategic, but also
personally fulfilling.
3. Be consistent
Social media has altered the landscape of how one communicates and
reaches out to world. This also means consistency in the messaging is
important. Whether you are “selling” a product, a program, or yourself,
it is important to watch how your image is portrayed on paper, online,
and in person.
4. Understand perceptions
Race, physical appearance, and even names have an impact on perceived
leadership, intelligence and ability. You can’t control what others
think, but you can control how you present yourself and react.
5. Leverage multiple identities
Being a person with multiple identities, it can seem that you have to
choose one cultural set of values over another if they seem to
conflict. This is not the case. View your multiple identities as an
additive model – it is not “either/or” but “and.” Leverage and honor
your heritage and values to your advantage in standing out as a leader.

Synergy Solutions Available Now

Our Synergy solutions will change the way you do business. Whether you
do corporate partnerships on a large scale, small scale or medium
scale, Synergy will streamline your communications and take your
brand’s success to the next level. Check them out in the Generitech

Saying Goodbye: How to Resign Gracefully

When a job is not all what it’s cracked” up to be, it takes most of us
a while to know when it’s time to say goodbye. This is not easy for
most us, and we often end up staying in jobs or positions that aren’t a
good fit, boring, or even toxic. But when it IS time to say goodbye,
what is the best way of tendering that resignation?
There are many reasons to resign from a job – new city, new job
opportunity, new baby. Sometimes, however, the reasons are less joyous.
Sometimes, it’s because you’ve just had enough and the thought of
staying another day makes you want to tear your eyelashes out. How and
what do you write in that resignation letter? Unless there were some
serious illegal or unethical issues at hand (at which point, you should
be contacting an attorney and HR), it is important to keep it positive.

Sure, you may hate your boss or co-workers, still angry when overlooked
for a promotion, or given horrible projects without receiving credit.
But tendering your resignation does not mean it’s time to vent.
Especially if you plan on ever working again.

A positive, cordial, respectful parting of the ways is important for
your professional and personal reputation. Not only may you need to
rely on your former colleagues for future references, but also the
world is a teeny, tiny place and you never know who from your former
company may know or where a former colleague or boss may end up down
the line.

The resignation letter goes in your file and it becomes part of your
permanent record:
* Simple and professional (no 5-page letters)
* Positive (no venting here)
* Thank your boss for the opportunity (even if you didn’t get along)
* Brief reason for resignation (i.e. “other opportunities)
* Final date (depending on polic and role, two to four weeks)
* Key accomplishments during tenure
* Succession plan (assures boss you are not just up and leaving)
* Interest for future collaboration, if relevant
* Cordial and professional closing with appreciation

While leaving a job is often one of the hardest things in one’s life,
it can also be one of the most positive, life-changing events.

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